
May 31, 2024 I’ll give a lightning talk at the Trust and Safety Research Conference. See you at Stanford University around September 26-27!
May 11, 2024 Invited to serve as the PC member for CIKM 2024.
May 03, 2024 Received UW CSE Postdoc Research Award! I’m recruiting self-motivated undergraduate students at UW. Please send me your CV and transcript if you are interested in large language models, social media, and/or political science.
Apr 03, 2024 Invited to present at the UW Data Science Seminar this fall (date: TBD).
Feb 06, 2024 Gave a talk at the UW Center for an Informed Public.
Feb 01, 2024 Gave a talk at the UW eScience Institute.
Jan 31, 2024 Invited to serve as the PC member for KDD 2024 (Applied Data Science).
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Sep 15, 2023 Received UW CIP Innovation Fund! We’re recruiting self-motivated undergraduate students at UW. Please send me your CV and transcript if you are interested in large language models and online content harm.
Jul 13, 2023 Invited to serve as the PC member for AAAI 2024.
Jun 16, 2023 Invited to serve as the PC member for WSDM 2024.
Mar 15, 2023 My PhD dissertation was awarded All University Doctoral Prize!
Jan 10, 2023 Invited to serve as the PC member for KDD 2023 (Applied Data Science).
Dec 05, 2022 Defended my PhD dissertation! (slides)